

Hi! I’ve created this blog for two reasons: one, to have a place to post things too long or complicated or otherwise not suitable for a Facebook or Twitter update; and two, to have a place not filled with politics and angst. I’m going to try to keep this blog just for things that interest or amuse me, without elevating my blood pressure.

I have another blog where I do talk about politics: Anchor Watch Reflections.

This site will be updated on a regular schedule of “whenever I feel like it.” Feel free to comment if you want; I reserve the right to delete anything that violates the prime tenet of this site, which is to play nice. 

As for me, I am a middle-aged white cis straight man who lives in the Pacific Northwest.  I have a wife, a kid, two dogs, and a great view outside my living room windows.  I work in IT and like geeky things.